Toolbox Parenting
Feel confident to tackle parenting at any stage!
Toolbox parenting courses are bursting with practical strategies and ideas to inspire and equip you on your parenting journey – wherever you’re up to.
Starting Sunday 4 May for 6 weeks.
Toolbox Preschool Years (2-4 yrs) - 3-5pm
Toolbox Primary Years (5-11 yrs) - 6-8pm
Toolbox Teenage Years (12-18) - 6-8pm
Sessions include understanding:
love and connection
yourself as a parent
your child
the world they live in
discipline and boundaries
a culture of connection
Our Toolbox courses are free of charge.
Sign up here: Toolbox Parenting - Manukau City Baptist Church
Contact us or visit Parenting Place | Parenting Courses if you’d like to know more.